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Spinal Decompression

18-year-old male involved in a motor vehicle accident in which his SUV was totaled suffering from significant neck pain, headaches, and bilateral parathesia.

The above captioned patient complained of neck pain, headaches, and numbness and tingling in his arms and hands. Upon examination, he had a positive cervical compression test, restricted ROM in the cervical spine with significant trigger point pain identified at multiple sites in the cervical and upper thoracic spine. Cervical x-rays were ordered and revealed a reversal of the normal cervical lordosis, paradoxical motion at the posterior motor units of C1, C3, C5, C6 and C7 in flexion and at C1, C3, C5 and C6 in extension. Cervical subluxation was confirmed through a correlation of motion palpation, x-ray and computer assisted motion analysis utilizing an adjusting instrument. Pain indices were noted at an 8-9 out of 10 for neck pain and a 5-6 out of 10 for headaches. The bilateral numbness was noted as intermittent and mild to slight. The patient was recommended a 6-8 week treatment plan of chiropractic adjustment or CMT, exercise therapy or muscle rehab, and 8-10 visits of non-surgical axial spinal decompression using the Hill DT Decompression Table. All of his symptoms abated within 4-6 weeks. Due to the significant level of improvement, a follow-up lateral cervical film was ordered to determine if a cervical posture pump or similar device should be recommended as ongoing support for postural improvement of the loss of the cervical curve. Upon re-evaluation it was noted however, that the patient had fully recovered from his symptoms. His ROM was normal, he had no positive orthopedic or neurological signs, and on x-ray his cervical spine had returned to the normal lordosis. Pre and post cervical films confirm the patient’s structural correction.




The Hill DT Decompression table played a significant role in the patient’s treatment plan. It is my opinion that using a dual treatment program at each decompression visit of protocol 2 for 15 minutes at 12 pounds and protocol 3 for 7 minutes at 10 pounds was key to the patient’s recovery.



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Spinal Decompression
Spinal Decompression
Spinal Decompression
Spinal Decompression
Spinal Decompression
Spinal Decompression
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